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Wednesday 19 October 2011

filming all done

after watching everyones films and giving our feedback, the feedback we received was that : we need to work on keeping the camera more steady, we need to try and time the editing , we needed to make sure we film in a quieter area, and we need to have a shorter duration between our shots so the film flows better. positive feedback was: all techniques were there, match on action was timed well, and the 180 degree rule wasn't broken and we had lots of examples of shot reverse shot. we now need to create an account of prezi so we can continue with our evaluation.

Monday 3 October 2011

planning for the filming

there is only 2 people in our group so we will both have important jobs, Jack came up with the original ideas for the storyboard and i came up with the camerashots and how we showed Jacks story. we will be filming in one of the empty classrooms within the school site, and we will be using a camera provided by the staff. we will be filming on monday the 4th of october. we will both be playing a part in the film and we will get someone outside our group to film for us .