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Wednesday 22 February 2012

audience feedback/ why we decided on our questions

Following the completion of the first draft of our opening sequence we set up a session in which we could show our product to the rest of our class. We also created a questionnaire for our classmates to complete on what they thought of our product and how we should change it. Our questions included: How would you change the story-line of our sequence?, Do you think it works as an opener; could it be followed by a full length film?, and what would you change about our editing if it was your product?

These questioned have been designed to get the best possible advice and feedback for our product, we wanted to get a general consensus of what everyone thought about our product and what they would change. Because we knew that if our classmates had started to pick up on things, then the examiners would also, so we wanted to get rid of all the kinks to try and appeal to a mass audience.

encountered problems during second time filming

During the editing stage of our product we decided to get some more footage because of feedback that we had from the rest of our classmates and others outside the media group. Whilst this was mainly done to make our editing easier, and to maximize the potential of our final product. However it was a difficult move to make because the weather had changed and we were having a lot of snow. This for us presented a huge problem because we didn't want to spoil our continuity, this meant that we had to hold off filming and chose the best possible day for it.We had to wait for the snow to clear which meant that we had less time to edit our product together, again this was another risky move but hopefully in the long run it meant that our product would be better and we would have more things to discuss during our evaluation stage. We also had to wait until the correct time of day so that the lighting didn't fluctuate too much throughout our sequence.

main focus on our product

Because a large bulk of the marks for this task was based around our final product, I felt that it was in my best interests to put most of my focus and time into editing and tightening up the quality of our actual sequence. This has unfortunately lead to there being a decrease in effort going towards my blog, I wanted to put most of my focus towards the product. Also I felt that it would be easier to analyse my product and talk about it in detail if it had actually been completed, hopefully this decision will gain me a better mark even if it is risky.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

problems we encountered during filming

Due to the setting of our sequence, which mainly takes place outside, we always knew it was going to be difficult because we could not guarantee that the weather or the light would allow us to capture the mood we wanted, it was always going to present us with some sort of difficulty.

Because we had spread our filming out between two seperate days, we had to make sure that we chose days that were relatively similar with light and fog etc. We had to make sure that we went out and filmed at the same time each day to avoid there being different lighting levels in each scene. This again was a problem because towards the end of our first day it had began to get dark and at the start of out second day it was much lighter. because we had already filmed it wasn't an option to complete anymore filming so we had to go with the footage we had and try and rectify the error during editing. To sort the problem out we had to name the films from the day they were filmed, so when we were at the editing stage we hat to play around with the lighting levels of each shot to make sure they were all of an equal level. Whilst this was a major problem initially, we felt that we rectified it by changing the lighting and brightness during the editing stage.

Decision to get some more footage

when we originally thought that our product was finalised we showed it to some of our classmates and some friends from outside the media group. We thought it was important to get the view point of someone who didn't take media studies and someone who was a mainstream media consumer and what they thought of our opening sequence. Both sets of people who saw our product suggested a possibility of some more shots added in or some shots being edited in a different way.

This was beneficial for us because it meant that even though we thought that our product was finalised, the advice we got from other people meant that we needed to get some more footage to make the story-line more clear. We thought that if we listened to what other people and what they thought it would have more appeal to a mass media audience, which would hopefully gain us more marks.

Other people also suggested that we should change the duration of certain shots or add effects or even take effects away, this again was valuable to us because it helped us realise how other people viewed our product and what they thought would make it better. So hopefully by taking this on board and changing our product it will result in a more superior final version.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

changes we made from our original idea:

our original idea for an opening sequence fluctuated a great deal during the actual process and we had to play around with our story line to what we thought was most practical and realistic to achieve, and we ultimately get us the best grade.

The main change that we made was to the story itself, our original idea that was based around drugs and the effect it has on people we felt that it was to impractical to film and we were giving ourself to much of a challenge to take on, we felt that it wasn't a part of the thriller genre and it would become too psychological
which would stray away from the criteria.

Having made the decision to change our story line we felt that we still wanted to go down the psychological route, but in a more practical and simplistic form. We changed our idea from drugs to someone with a mental health issue, who commits a murder; and spends the rest of the film trying to cover it up. We felt that by doing this we would still be keeping our theme but without straying too much away from the thriller genre, and it would also make it easier for us to film and hopefully by doing this we would have more time to edit our clips together and maximize its potential as a media product.

We also felt that when we viewed our product from a neutral perspective, and we analysed it as if we were watching it for the first time as someone else's product. We found that it wasn't completely clear from who's eyes we were viewing the situation, so we decided to complete some more editing to make it clear the persona of our sequence.