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Wednesday 22 February 2012

encountered problems during second time filming

During the editing stage of our product we decided to get some more footage because of feedback that we had from the rest of our classmates and others outside the media group. Whilst this was mainly done to make our editing easier, and to maximize the potential of our final product. However it was a difficult move to make because the weather had changed and we were having a lot of snow. This for us presented a huge problem because we didn't want to spoil our continuity, this meant that we had to hold off filming and chose the best possible day for it.We had to wait for the snow to clear which meant that we had less time to edit our product together, again this was another risky move but hopefully in the long run it meant that our product would be better and we would have more things to discuss during our evaluation stage. We also had to wait until the correct time of day so that the lighting didn't fluctuate too much throughout our sequence.

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