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Thursday 1 March 2012

my role in the planning process

Because there was only two in our group it meant that we both had a large amount of responsibility when it came to our product. We decided right from the start that I would be the one who put the thought and planning into what was going to happen, and Jack would be the one to carry it through. I took the role of writing our pitch and presenting most of it to the class, whilst jack designed the powerpoint and found the necessary information.

I also planned out the outline for our plot and storyboard, and Jack drew out the story board and put it onto paper. I completed the shooting script also. So ultimately I came up with the ideas and concepts behind what we were doing, and jack put most of it onto paper because he is natrually more artistic and I am more imaginative, we thought this would be the best way to gain the maximum mark from the process because we both used our strengths accordingly.

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