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Thursday 15 December 2011

feedback sheet analysis

From our feedback sheets we found out a number of different things we could do with our film to make it better, and also what’s already good about it.
It was good for us to have feedback from the rest of our class because that’s the target age range that we are after anyway so it means we will get a really accurate idea of how effective our opening sequence will be when it’s all finished.
One hundred percent of our classmates thought that the sun genre we chose for our film                     ( physiological thriller), was the right choice,  they felt that it would work as a sub-genre and fitted with the idea of our film. Which means we have made the correct initial choices for our opening sequence.
When we asked our classmates what they thought of the entire plot of our film, that would follow on from our opening the majority of them said that it is a great idea for a film, but only if we can pull it off properly. Because it is a complex idea, having also got other people’s opinions we now need to make sure we get everything right so our film actually works because if we do it in a poor way the final product won’t be as good because it is not a simple idea, it will be very difficult to film, our classmates pointed this out for us.  A small minority of classmates said that they thought our idea would be slightly impractical to film, because we need an older actor which is very hard to find, especially one that would understand the plot of our film. This highlighted to us that we maybe need to change our plot slightly in order to make it easier to film for ourselves, in order to maximise the potential of our final product.
When we asked our classmates if they think our film idea appeals to our target audience ( 15-30) the vast majority agreed with us and stated that they thought the film is very current with what people are watching at the moment. And also captured the imagination of teenagers and young adults.  This was good for us because it meant that we had sold our film to our target audience which would lead us to believe that it was going to be relatively successful.  Another small minority of people suggested that our target audience should be slightly more mature (25-35) for example, this created a bit of a contrast for us because it meant that we needed to consider that the entire plot for our film might be slightly too grown up for the younger audience. Therefore we need to change the plot slightly in order to appeal to the greatest age range possible in order to maximise its success.
When we asked our classmates it they thought our narrative, characters, locations and genre was introduced well. Most of them simply put yes, which is again very encouraging for us because it meant that we are meeting all of the needs for our target audience, leading us to think that if our classmates like it then it would also be liked on a larger scale also. 3 or 4 surveys suggested that they were all introduced well, however it might be hard to make our current actor look older in order to make the sequence more realistic. This has been a reoccurring theme for us from our surveys and it means that we might have to reconsider our choice of actors or change the storyline in order to make it more realistic and suitable for a younger actor.
When we asked our classmates ‘do you think we are right to represent a drug addict in a negative stereotype?’ everyone answered in a positive way, which suggest we are right to portray a drug addict in a negative way. Which again is encouraging but since then we have decided to move away from the ‘ drugs’ theme and focus more on the idea that our character has mental problems. This is mainly because the majority of our group are basing their film around drugs and we want to be slightly more niche and unique with where we go with our film.  So although this wasn’t one of our questions, the opportunity to present our idea to the class meant that we changed our plot for the better.
Our next question was ‘ do you think we will be able to achieve the mood and tone we are hoping to?’ again, everyone replied with a positive answer. This for us was the most encouraging question because it meant that people liked our general storyline, and they appreciated what we were trying to achieve.
Our final question was ‘ do you think this idea will grasp the audiences attention?’ once again we got all of our responses back with a positive answer, this again was extremely encouraging for us and meant that we didn’t need to change a huge amount of our sequence or idea because it means that in general people from our target audience felt that we had a good idea providing that we can pull it off. So for us in general the feedback session was very helpful because it showed us that in general people like our film, but also highlighted what faults we have, it gave us the opportunity to get an outside perspective from our film in order to make sure we had the best final product possible.

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