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Friday 16 December 2011



We chose our main location for our shooting as Jack Peppers house because it is a relatively old looking house, which would fit in with our theme and represent our character well.  Also, it has items we need such as a windowed cupboard inside, because this is essential for our filming we need to choose a location which has this, so Jack’s house is ideal.

The mask in our film has been chosen very carefully, we have chosen a gas mask because it goes against the conventions of what you expect to see in a thriller film. A gas mask is a very eerie and impersonal piece of mise-en-scene because it doesn’t allow you to see the character’s face therefore creating an element of mystery.
We have also chosen for the gas-masked hallucination to be wearing a black suit. This would make him look very formal, so this links in with him being impersonal.

Our main character called Morris is going to be seen wearing a comb-over, and possible glasses, for us this is something else that goes against codes and conventions because people don’t associate a nerdy looking character with murder or anything negative.

Our chase scene through a field as also been chosen carefully, we have picked a very desolate area to create the sense of alienation. We hope to film this particular scene early in the morning so we can capture it when it is more misty.

We have chosen the name “ Morris Crombie” for our main character, this is again something that goes against conventions because the name is very intelligent sounding and you wouldn’t expect someone with this name to defy the law. Also, our Morris character is going ton be seen wearing trousers pulled up very high, with a tucked in shirt, we hope that by doing this we can create an air of sympathy from the audience so it’s even more of a surprise when he killed someone.  We have also chosen Morris to have a backpack, because it is also something that is associated with being subdued and nerdy, so people wouldn’t expect him to be a murderer.

In one of our opening scenes we see our main character taking some medication, which is seen very closely by the camera to imply that the character has mental issues. This is a very important signifier for our film because it links in with the psychological -disturbed theme we are looking.

During our second scene our imaginary character tears up a picture of a girl, we have chosen to use a photo, as part of our mise-en-scene because it means people will know who the victim is without using any dialogue. Which for us is important to achieve because we wanted to keep it with as little dialogue as possible in order for it to be more confusing and hard to follow for the audience, which is common for the opening of a thriller film.

We were also planning on filming either early in the morning or late afternoon, this is because we hope to create a gloomy atmosphere to go along with our storyline.  It will also make the mood more eerie and hopefully have a better effect on the audience for the creepy effect we are looking for.  

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