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Tuesday 13 December 2011

target audience research answers

from our questions we asked various people we have developed what our general consenus for our qeustions were:

1)      What is your favourite thriller film and why? From this question we  had various different answers such as the saw films,batman and mission impossible. Peoples main response was anything that they find gripping and hard to turn away from.  From this we can take that people done have a specific type of film they only like, but they will infact watch anything that leaves them on the edge of their seat. Therefore we have a lot of freedom in what genre we chose, but we have to make it entertaining and gripping.
 2) Do you prefer to come straight in at the action or have a slow build up?  From this question the main response was that people like to come straight in at the action ( stage of disequilibream) because it will hook them in to watching the rest of the film. This was a positive response for us because we only have 2 minutes for our opening seqeunce so we have no choice but to come straight in at the action, but from our research we can suggest that people prefer this as an opener because it sets up the rest of the film.
3) What’s your favourite sub-genre thriller: e.g. Horror,crime,action,physcological etc?   for us this was the most important question because it shows what kind of thrillers people are interested in the most. Peoples general answer was either action thriller or horror thriller, there was also one answer for physcological ( our genre). Although this was not an ideal answer it shows that people are still interested in physcological thrillers. From this we can take that we should encouporate a slight amount of action. Our sequence doesn't have to be set to one genre, and we have to try and appeal to the mass audience.
4)       How would you like a thriller film to start? What would hook you in as an opening sequence? The majority of people that we asked simply said that the opening sequence has to have an important event in it in order for them to bne hooked into watching the rest of film, this was again another postive respone for us because it meant that people didn't want a certain type of opening sequence,just something that was grippingand entertaining. Which for us means that we have a large amount of freedom with whatever we want to do for our sequence so long as we make it gripping and entertaining for the audience.

5)    What do you think the ideal age range for a thriller would be?  This was our most difficult question because people don't tend to know that much about a thriller film. However our most popular answer was of a younger audience because they are into more blood and gore now than the older audience, which is a common feature in a thriller. This was again another positve respone for us because it means that it fits in with our target age range,which is 16-25. So this question proved very useful because it meant that we could use these ideas to portray in our film because we had caputured the target audience.

To conclude, our questions were very helpful in the planning process of our opening sequence because we gathered a lot of information about what our target audience wants from a thriller film,and the best way we can try to achieve this. We now know what we have to do to meet these preferences.

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